Welcome to the Homepage of DIPS 1000+ Future Mobility & Robotics

DIPS 1000+미래 모빌리티 & 로봇 Final selected company
Final selected company


Company name Starkoff Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment 2013.11
Representative Terry Ahn
Business area EV charging service, energy big data analysis AI AMI, power meter development and production, etc.
E-mail address terryahn@starkoff.co.kr
Phone number 02-1833-4903
Hompage www.starkoff.co.kr



No registered inquiries.

Address : 193, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Time : Mon ~ Fri 10:00 ~ 18:00 (Sat.Sun.Closed on holidays) Tel : 042-350-7182 Fax : 042-350-7155

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