Welcome to the Homepage of DIPS 1000+ Future Mobility & Robotics

Future Mobility & Robotics Business Future Mobility & Robotics Business
Future Mobility & Robotics Business
To support the innovative growth of startups in the future mobility (autonomous driving, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles) and robotics sectors,
we provide comprehensive support throughout the scale-up process, including funding for business development,
technology advancement, collaboration with global major and mid-sized companies, and facilitating investment attraction.
Business Support Areas

Support for Various Scale-up Programs

Technological Advancement, Collaboration with Large and Medium-sized Enterprises, Attracting Domestic and Foreign Investments, and more


Resources Linked to SMEs R&D and More

Preference for Entrepreneurial Growth, Technological Innovation, R&D Collaboration, Policy Funding, Technology Guarantee, and Export Vouchers


Business Development Funding Support

Production Costs, Materials Costs, Intellectual Property Application Fees, Labor Costs, and more

Address : 193, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Time : Mon ~ Fri 10:00 ~ 18:00 (Sat.Sun.Closed on holidays) Tel : 042-350-7182 Fax : 042-350-7155

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