Welcome to the Homepage of DIPS 1000+ Future Mobility & Robotics

DIPS 1000+미래 모빌리티 & 로봇 Final selected company
Final selected company


Company name EML (Eloi MateriaLs) Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment 2018.12.24
Representative Enu Soo Park
Business area Advanced Materials
E-mail address EML@eloiml.com
Phone number 031-5186-6282
Hompage https://www.eloiml.com/



No registered inquiries.

Address : 193, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Time : Mon ~ Fri 10:00 ~ 18:00 (Sat.Sun.Closed on holidays) Tel : 042-350-7182 Fax : 042-350-7155

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